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Does Mother Earth dance?


Aug 30, 2021
Does Mother Earth dance?
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QN4W-UHpSrE&ab_channel=LivingWebFarms

To give you a taste, here are some of my notes from this video:

Jun 21 - Midsummer - Total Inclination
Earth Exhales
Atmosphere is most alive
Soil is most dead
March 21 is the equinox of the inclination
Dec 21 - Midwinter - Total Declination
Earth Inhales
Atmosphere is most dead
Soil is most alive
September 21 is the equinox of the declination
The 6 month inclination period and the 6 month declination period produce two eras of life & dormancy (https://chadwickarchive.org/ca1001/ 5:30)
The two in-between periods are enormous periods of birth
All birds and butterflies begin to mate in March
An infusion in the air, in the birds and butterflies, in the mountains and the soil, in the fish, everywhere
If the Sun is the great pusher (of life, of light, of energy) the moon is the great attractor, a magnet
When the moon is full, the tide will rise 32 feet
When the moon is down, it will only rise 2 feet
It's not just the oceans, it works in the moisture in your body, in your skin, in the casing of your seeds that you have watered
It says it's time, it's time, wake up, it's time to come to life
And the sun is saying the same thing in its inclination at the equinox
And the two together are saying there's no argument, it's time
The moon is weakest during the two periods of sleep, strongest during solar equinoxes (periods of birth)
The greatest magnetism begins two days before a new moon
The second greatest magnetism begins two days before the moon is half full
If a seed requires 3 weeks to germinate, sow two nights before new moon
If a seed requires a month, sow on the lunar declination so it sprouts at beginning of lunar inclination
Don't transplant ("prick out") plants on the inclination [don't coppice til winter, same principle]
Energy must go towards growth, not regeneration, will likely die and definitely suffer
Full moon is total inclination; new moon is total declination
Plant your annual flowers and fruit and vegetables that bear crops above ground (such as corn, tomatoes, watermelon, and zucchini) during the waxing of the Moon—from the day the Moon is new to the day it is full. As the moonlight increases night by night, plants are encouraged to grow leaves and stems.
Plant flowering bulbs, biennial and perennial flowers, and vegetables that bear crops below ground (such as onions, carrots, and potatoes) during the waning of the Moon—from the day after it is full to the day before it is new again. As the moonlight decreases night by night, plants are encouraged to grow roots, tubers, and bulbs. - https://www.almanac.com/content/planting-by-the-moon
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