About the Company
We are Fig Database! A customized, searchable database and tool of edible fig varieties with advanced search, filtering, and ratings from and for fig collectors like yourself. Figdatabase.com has a team of the highest and most respected fig collectors in the fig community to take care of you and the information provided on Fig Database. We are the largest database serving the fig community and its member's unique requests to make it all user friendly for them and as useful as possible for them to find all the information they need while keeping track of it all. With original design, ideas, technology and safety, it is simply unmatched by anything or anyone else on the net! Copied but never duplicated, Fig Database is here to help and serve you.
Here’s an overview of the services we provide.

Our Mission
To provide you with a user friendly website and tools for easy fig research and quick information to facilitate your decision making on whether a fig variety is right for you or not. We are on the brink, of a agricultural revolution, that will fundamentally change the way we collect, grow, and relate to one another. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the Fig Database will transform the fig community thru the virtual experience of your life!

Paying It Forward
Fig Database is committed to helping others. If creating this database wasn't enough, we also enjoy helping and giving to others. The only site with an amazing incentive system to give back to those who contribute to Fig Database whether it is by uploading pictures, reviewing, leaving other members feedback, writing a description, sharing links in social media, or even tagging and mentioning #FigDatabase online. We always look forward to making the hobby a fun and fruitful one.

Safety Is Priority!
We have implemented suitable security policies to protect and safeguard the Personal Information under our control from unauthorized access and improper use. The site has also gone thru the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) which is the secure version of HTTP, the protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website that you are connected to.

Unique Search Filters & Tracking Of Your Collection
We provide Figdatabase.com to you for information in the field of figs. Along with exceptional, unique and advanced features for its members to keep track of their fig collection. Features Fig Database came up with FIRST as a result of the community member's requests. All this and much more only here on Fig Database!