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De La Senyora (Hivernenca)
De La Senyora (Hivernenca) Information

Possible Synonyms / AKA:
Verdal d'Oriola, Ampurdan, Empordà, SMN095IB, Hivernenca, De l'Empordà (in Llucmajor), De l'Empuretat (in Santanyi), D'Oriola, Forastera, Ivernenca, Marjalera (in Muro, Sa Pobla), Orihuela, Uriola (in Eivissa), Hivernesca (in Alacant), Señora, Verguna, Vernesca (in Castello)
Possibly Coll de Dama de Ciutat
Introduced By:
Monserrat Pons (MP) from Monserrat Pons i Boscana -
Spain -
Main Flavor Group:
Family Group:
Fig Type:
Common - Self fertile and will grow anywhere conditions are suitable -
Cold Hardy:
N/A -
Container Variety:
Yes -
Easy Rooting:
N/A -
Main Season:
any -
Difficult -
Breba Crop:
No -
Seed Crunch:
moderate -
small -
Skin Toughness:
moderate -
Fruit Size:
Medium -
Rain Resistance:
N/A -
Tree Vigor:
Medium -
External Links:
The fig tree is of a medium high vigor, although it can reach a good development in the orchards or corrals where it is often cultivated, it has the foliage and the thick foliage. It is a very late variety, it begins to mature at the beginning of October and ends well into the winter. This factor determines a significant reduction of the harvest that does not mature. Sometimes they show branches without leaves and full of figs that still start ripening. The yield of the tree is medium, as well as the harvest period. The figs are urceolados, a little anxious and large, elongated and rigid. The skin acquires a quite variable coloration where green and purple combine in different proportions; It is thick and strong, with a fine texture, and has a striking line of thick cracks, both reticular and longitudinal. The flesh is deep red, very tasty and mellow, with an optimum degree of sweetness; contains a large number of achenes, mediums. The figs present a small percentage of fruits and abnormal formations. They are symmetric in form and variables in dimensions. They have a difficult abscission of the peduncle and easy peeling. They are resistant to the rains, the transport, the sour and very resistant to the opening of the ostiolo.
Brian Melton 8-25-2020
One of the absolute best and uniquely flavored of all is “ DE la Senyora Hivernenca “. The flavor reminded us of a sour patch kid. It has a distinct acidic slightly sour flavor when you first taste it followed by the rich berry flavor. Very unique and flavorful.
Although it is very similar to the DE -la-senyora-sineuera">Sinuera variant, this variety is said to hold up better to some elements, is a later variety yet tastier and prefered.
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