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Marabout Information

Possible Synonyms / AKA:
DFIC 51, Aseltani, Grosse de Juillet, Sultana du Marabout, Sultane, Sultane d Marabout, Sultane du Marabout, P.I. No. 77,480, PI 77480
Introduced By:
Africa -
Main Flavor Group:
Family Group:
Fig Type:
Smyrna - Require caprification (pollination) to produce edible figs -
Cold Hardy:
N/A -
Container Variety:
N/A -
Easy Rooting:
N/A -
Main Season:
any -
N/A -
Breba Crop:
N/A -
Seed Crunch:
N/A -
N/A -
Skin Toughness:
N/A -
Fruit Size:
N/A -
Rain Resistance:
N/A -
Tree Vigor:
N/A -
External Links:
Grown commercially in France as Sultane.
A medium-sized dark purple/ Black fig that ripens in the autumn. The fruits are of high quality. The crop is quite large, with mature trees bearing hundreds of fruits. When fully ripe the figs have a very soft strawberry colored flesh and a very high sugar content.
[Condit] also introduced or arranged the introduction of a number of good varieties, including Zidi and Marabout. A Smyrna type fig it needs the fig Wasp for pollination. Large purplish- Black skinned, strawberry fleshed fruit has excellent, rich, sweet flavor. Figs ripen over a long season and are great fresh and have the classic Smyrna nutty flavor caused by the fertile seeds.
Condit Monograph
Marabout: (syns. Sultane du Marabout, Aseltani). Introduced in 1928 at request of University of California by United States Department of Agriculture, under P.I. No. 77,480, from E. Rolland, Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria. Correspondence with N. Mauri, Algiers, indicates that this is the same as Aseltani, a variety very little planted, having large, colored fruit, of no value for drying. This may be the one which Trabut (1904) described and pictured as Thaboukal (Taboukal) or Sultane, with a long neck like that of a water jar.
Tree in California unusually vigorous, with thick branches, forming a dense, compact top. Leaves large, 3- to 5-lobed; upper sinuses shallow, narrow, lower sinuses none, or very shallow; base shallowly cordate; margins crenate; petiole green, tinged with pink.
Figs large, up to 2-1/4 inches in diameter and 3 inches in length, pyriform, with rounded apex; neck very prominent, often 3/4 inch long, sometimes curved and somewhat angular; average weight 66 grams; stalk short, or often up to 1/2 inch long; ribs narrow, slightly elevated, prominent on account of early coloration deeper than body, eye large, open, but Ostiole closed by scales; surface glossy, with prominent bloom; white flecks small, scattered, conspicuous; color purplish Black on body, shading to light green on the neck; meat white, thick; pulp strawberry, rather coarse in texture; flavor rich, sweet. Quality very good fresh. Season later than that of Sari Lop; figs continue to mature over a long period. A promising variety for the fresh-fruit market.
Marabout: (syns. Sultane du Marabout, Aseltani). Introduced in 1928 at request of University of California by United States Department of Agriculture, under P.I. No. 77,480, from E. Rolland, Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria. Correspondence with N. Mauri, Algiers, indicates that this is the same as Aseltani, a variety very little planted, having large, colored fruit, of no value for drying. This may be the one which Trabut (1904) described and pictured as Thaboukal (Taboukal) or Sultane, with a long neck like that of a water jar.
Tree in California unusually vigorous, with thick branches, forming a dense, compact top. Leaves large, 3- to 5-lobed; upper sinuses shallow, narrow, lower sinuses none, or very shallow; base shallowly cordate; margins crenate; petiole green, tinged with pink.
Figs large, up to 2-1/4 inches in diameter and 3 inches in length, pyriform, with rounded apex; neck very prominent, often 3/4 inch long, sometimes curved and somewhat angular; average weight 66 grams; stalk short, or often up to 1/2 inch long; ribs narrow, slightly elevated, prominent on account of early coloration deeper than body, eye large, open, but Ostiole closed by scales; surface glossy, with prominent bloom; white flecks small, scattered, conspicuous; color purplish Black on body, shading to light green on the neck; meat white, thick; pulp strawberry, rather coarse in texture; flavor rich, sweet. Quality very good fresh. Season later than that of Sari Lop; figs continue to mature over a long period. A promising variety for the fresh-fruit market.
From Herman:
It appears that UCDAVIS has three Marabouts:1.Marabout( Smyrna type),2.MaraboutC( Common Fig ),1.Marabout/Gulbun( Hybrid )It depends wich cultivar one have!!!!
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