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Melanzana Merdoscola
Melanzana Merdoscola Information

Possible Synonyms / AKA:
LDA, Longue D'Aout?
Introduced By:
Adriano Ferreira (AF) -
Italy -
Main Flavor Group:
Family Group:
Fig Type:
Common - Self fertile and will grow anywhere conditions are suitable -
Cold Hardy:
N/A -
Container Variety:
Yes -
Easy Rooting:
Excellent -
Main Season:
any -
Average -
Breba Crop:
Yes -
Seed Crunch:
N/A -
N/A -
Skin Toughness:
N/A -
Fruit Size:
N/A -
Rain Resistance:
N/A -
Tree Vigor:
N/A -
External Links:
Today I picked the last of my Atreano figs (what a great season this year for such a young tree). I am still picking M. Merdoscola figs daily and there are many more on the tree. We have several more weeks of warm weather so I am hoping to ripen more of these figs without oiling them. The MM is rich and sweet. It is not as juicey as a fully ripe Atreano but MM is a thick fig with an excellent flavor of it's own. Both varieties are large figs but this final Atreano was quite big. With all the rain we had this past week, none of these figs split nor soured. I'm looking forward to seeing the MM Breba production this next season. Both figs are definite keepers for production and quality.
Leon Edmond
Leon Edmond 4-21-21:
There was a variety that was shared by Adriano years ago that went by the name of Melanzana Merdascola. It ended up being Longue d'Aout. I wrote to Adriano years ago and he supposedly changed the named to LdA based on my findings.
My impression is that the variety called Melanzana Calabrese is a different variant.
My impression is that the variety called Melanzana Calabrese is a different variant.
Pino 4-24-21:
Melanzana long/MM (merdascola) don't know who came up with that name. Similar to LdA but I find it can get very dark and drips honey if let to hang.
Melanzana Meradoscola is a variant obtained from a friend back east and we picked our first fruit in 2019. Fruits were medium in size and the pulp was dark red and was quite sweet with the flavor seemingly a blend of berry and maple syrup.
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