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Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis

BTI is a group of bacteria used as biological control agents for larvae stages of certain dipterans. Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis produces toxins which are effective in killing various species of mosquitoes, fungus gnats, and blackflies, while having almost no effect on other organisms.


Honey is a flavor sometimes associated with some fig varieties and/or a term used for the nectar within a fig, which can ooze from the ostiole. Some varieties include “honey” in their names and can be translated from:

  • Catalan: Mel
  • French: Miel
  • Greek: Méli
  • Hebrew: Dvsh
  • Italian: Miele
  • Portuguese: Mel
  • Spanish: Miel
  • Turkish: Bal

In a climbing plant, a leaf produced by the immature plant, which is physically distinct from the leaves produced by the mature plant.


Some variety strains are attributed to this now closed nursery and have the BC, BN or Belleclare suffix appended to the variety names.

Beginner Variety

Sometimes called a Gateway Variety. It can refer to the fig fruit, itself. But usually refers to cuttings and or trees that have qualities that are good for beginners: widely available, common type, easy to root, cold hardy, inexpensive, and tasty. Some classic beginner varieties are Violette de Bordeaux and Chicago Hardy.

Belleclare Nursery

Some variety strains are attributed to this now closed nursery and have the BC, BN or Belleclare suffix appended to the variety names.


A fig variety that produces two crops: the early breba crop in late spring/early summer, and the main crop from mid-summer through early fall.




The color "black" or "dark" is often in the name of fig varieties and can be translated from:

  • Catalan: Negre
  • French: Noire (feminine); Noir (masculine)
  • Greek: Mávros
  • Italian: Nero
  • Portuguese: preta (feminine); preto (masculine)
  • Spanish: negra (feminine); negro (masculine)
  • Turkish: siyah
  • Welcome to Fig Database! A customized, searchable database of edible fig varieties with advanced search, filtering, ratings, blog and market place from and for fig collectors like yourself. We provide Figdatabase.com to you for information in the field of figs.
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  • Rigo Amador is Founder at Fig Database®
  • Deepen Tratiya is Web Developer at Fig Database®
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